Regular Meeting Location & Times:
Santa Clara Valley 99s monthly chapter meetings are held at West Valley Flying Club located at 1901 Embarcadero Rd., Suite 100, Palo Alto. All women pilots and future women pilots are invited to attend.
We have returned to in person to West Valley at PAO. A ZOOM link will be sent via our chapter mailing list at the beginning of the meeting week. – Request to be added to mailing list
Meetings are on the 3rd Thursday of the month. The business meeting begins at 6:30 pm. The general meeting begins at the conclusion of the business meeting, around 7 pm. Come early for Hangar Talk. Check the Windsock, calendar or email to make sure we are having our meeting at our regular meeting place. Sometimes meetings have alternate dates or locations. Email for info.
Who are we? Women Pilots!
The Ninety Nines is the world’s largest and oldest organization of licensed women pilots. As women pilots we all share a common interest and accomplishment—Flight!
Our members live and work in the San Francisco Bay Area. We have a wide range of aviation experience, from students to recreational flying for fun to professional pilots and flight instructors. We provide mutual support, fun, and friendship with regular meetings and monthly flying events. The 99s are also active in supporting our local aviation community and aviation education.
Make Friends, Share Love of Flying
Whether you are already a pilot or are interested in becoming a pilot, now is a great time to join the Santa Clara Valley Ninety-Nines. Our large 99s chapter includes student pilots, brand new pilots, recreational pilots and professional pilots.
Visitors Welcome at SCV99s Monthly Meetings
Whether you a 99 from another chapter, a woman pilot passing through the Bay Area, or a student woman pilot, a woman just thinking of becoming a pilot, or just curious, you are cordially invited to come to our monthly General meetings. Email me if you have questions.
Be sure to check the Windsock, our chapter newsletter, or our calendar to make sure we will be there. Some meetings and special events are held at alternate locations.
If you live in (or near) Santa Clara County, you may want to join our chapter. For info about membership, see the How to Join page.
Come along on our monthly fly-outs! You can meet us there or ride along.
First, check our Calendar for details about events. Pilots may want to join us with their own planes. If you need a ride, there’s almost always space available (especially if you make arrangements early enough) and it is always a lot of fun. If you’d like a ride, email me, and I’ll will try to find you a space.
Scholarship Opportunities!
The First Wings Award is a progressive award given to Student Pilot Members with a need for financial assistance to become licensed pilots. The award provides up to $6000 toward completion of the Recreational Pilot, Sport Pilot, Private Pilot certificate, or non-U.S. equivalent in any aircraft category. This award will be given progressively to winners AFTER they complete eligible milestones in their training.
This scholarship is unique in that for students who are in primary training for the private pilot certificate. You must be an official Student Pilot Member of The 99s at least three months prior to the submission deadline to apply.
more details…
Welcome New Members!
In the past few months, we have been happy to welcome several new members into our chapter. We hope they will enjoy our chapter as much as we do!
If you would like to become a member, see the Join Us page, or email me and I will help you get your questions answered.