
About the Ninety-Nines

The Ninety-Nines is the world’s oldest and largest women pilots organization. Founded in 1929 for mutual support and the advancement of aviation, this international organization now has over 6,500 members in 35 countries.

Our mission is to promote world fellowship through flight, provide networking and scholarship opportunities for aviation education in the community, and preserve the unique history of women in aviation.

About Our Chapter

Who are we?
We are women pilots or future women pilots.

Our members live, work & fly in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our local airports are San Carlos (SQL), Palo Alto (PAO), San Jose (SJC), Reid-Hillview (RHV) and Hollister (CVH).

Currently, the Santa Clara Valley 99s has about 85 members; our membership includes professional airline pilots, flight instructors, FAA personnel, and women who work in other fields and fly for fun. Our members are also active in other aviation organizations, including CRAMP, Civil Air Patrol, Santa Clara County Airmen’s Association, EAA, NCAAA, Angel Flight, California Aerospace Education Association, US Parachute Association and the United Flying Octogenarians.

The Santa Clara Valley 99s belong to the the Southwest Section of the International Ninety-Nines which includes all 99s chapters from California, Hawaii, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah.

Future Women Pilots (FWP)

Women student pilots are welcome to attend all SCV 99s Chapter activities. We encourage students throughout their pilot training.

Our shared experience can help women student pilots know what to expect and what to do with their skills upon receiving that hard-earned pilot certificate. Student pilots can also join the 99s as Student Pilot members, which brings them many of the benefits of full membership in the 99s.

To find out more about the benefits of joining as a Future Woman Pilot, please see the FWP page »

Chapter Activities

Chapter Meetings
Our regular meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month. Be sure to check our calendar, for meeting and activities dates and locations.

Often, meeting topics are educational and can help you to become a better pilot. The usual format includes hangar flying, a guest speaker, a business meeting, and refreshments. All women pilots and future women pilots are welcome to attend. We also welcome guests, non-pilots and even men.

Flying Activities
Every month, weather permitting, we organize a flyout, arranging to meet at fun destinations, both near and not so near.

Air Racing
One of the reasons the 99s was formed was to provide racing opportunities for women pilots. SCV99s have been racers throughout the chapter’s history. Members of our chapter often participate in the local Palms to Pines race from Santa Monica to Bend OR. We also have members flying the Air Race Classic, an annual cross-country air race for women.
See a story about the Palm to Pines Air Race.

Scholarships are available through the Ninety- Nines International organization to help a 99 further her aviation goals by paying for an entire rating. Scholarships are also available that help Future Women Pilots earn their pilot certification.

The SCV 99s hold fundraising events to make contributions to scholarships offered by the Ninety-Nines.

See the 99s International site for more scholarship details

Have you ever over flown an airport and been grateful to see markings that identify it? That is one of the many services that the 99s provide the aviation community. At an airport management’s request, 99s paint its runways with its name, frequency, and elevation for aerial passersby! See article: Airmarking Golden Triangle Chapter

Aviation Outreach
The SCV 99s Chapter promotes aviation education to the pilot community and the general public. We organize and present a Flying Companion Seminar every year, help set up safety seminars and airport tours, provide mentors to a local high school’s students and pilots to speak to organizations and schools about aviation careers and aviation basics.

Recent aviation education outreach activities include speaking a local schools on career days, the Fly Girls Summer Camp (with the Girl Scouts), and participation in Young Eagles Day (with the EAA).

If you wish to have a Ninety-Nine speak at your school, please contact us »

Support for Local Aviation Community
The SCV 99s Chapter assists with the organization of many local aviation activities such as the Reid-Hillview Airport Day and the Watsonville Fly-in and Air Show, often with booths at these events. We also have members who serve on airport boards and committees, and we award local towers with appreciation certificates each year.

We are always working to improve the quality of the aviation community in the present and for the future.

Quarterly Newsletter
The Windsock, our quarterly newsletter, is one of the best of any aviation organization. With descriptions of chapter activities, news of upcoming events, safety education, and great flying stories, the Windsock is sent to all chapter members and to other local aviation organizations.

Part of an International Organization
The SCV 99s Chapter has always been active at the International level of the Organization. Our members look forward to attending and participating in the International Convention, usually held every July at various locations around the country, continent, and world! And the SCV 99s has members who are active in the Southwest Section, our regional organization of the 99s Inc. Section meetings are held semi-annually.

Why join the SCV 99s?
The major goal of our chapter is to support and encourage all women pilots on a personal level. Through friendship, financial support, and aviation education, we enjoy spreading the joy of flying to all women!

Interested in Joining Our Chapter?

When you join the Ninety-Nines, you join ranks with over 6,500 women pilots from 35 countries.

Membership Information

More about the Ninety-Nines:

To find out more the Ninety-Nines International Organization or to find a chapter near you, visit 99’s International Web site: