Aviation Scholarships for Women Pilots

Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarships
The Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Fund, founded in 1940, is The Ninety-Nines’ premier scholarship program for deserving 99s members to complete advanced training and education in aviation and aerospace.

For over seven decades we have provided fully paid scholarships to help women pilots complete pilot certificates ranging Commercial to CFI and ATP; ratings such as instrument, multi-engine, and jet type ratings; technical training such as A & P certificate; and college education for degrees in aviation, including Bachelors, Masters, and PhDs.

Each year, The Ninety-Nines award several Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarships to qualified members for advanced flight training or courses in specialized branches of aviation including additional pilot certificates and ratings, jet type ratings, college degrees, and technical training. Among other eligibility requirements, the applicant must be a member of The Ninety-Nines.

Scholarship applicants should refer to information and application forms on the 99s International Web site and contact their Chapter AE Scholarship Chair.

The First Wings Awards for Student Pilots
The Fly Now Award for Student Pilots provides up to $6000 toward completion of the Recreational Pilot, Sport Pilot, or Private Pilot certificate, or non-U.S. equivalent, in any aircraft.

To qualify you must:

  • have been an official Student Pilot Member three months prior to the application deadline
  • must hold a student pilot certificate
  • show financial need

If the training is to occur outside the USA, you will need to have the equivalent requirements for the country where the training will occur.

Applicants should refer to information and application forms on the 99s International Web site and contact their Chapter AE Scholarship Chair.

Section and Chapter Scholarships
Many 99s chapters offer additional scholarships for anything from learning to fly to advanced ratings.
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Before you apply for any scholarship
The eligiblity requirements and application periods for these scholarships vary. Check the rules carefully to see when and how to apply.